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Bhola Polytechnic Institute

Bhola Polytechnic Institute Bhola Polytechnic Institute(bhpi) in Bangladesh. Bhola is the largest polytechnic institute of Bangladesh. The space of Bhola is 3403.50 sq km. Bhola Polytechnic Institute (Bhpi) recognized at 2005 below Bhola District, Borhanuddin Upzilla, Pakkhia Union near River Meghna in Bangladesh. This polytechnic institute very popular in Bangladesh and Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Google, twitter, internet and...

Barisal Polytechnic Institute

Barisal Polytechnic Institute Welcome To Barisal Polytechnic Institute Barisal Polytechnic Institute (BPI) is the biggest Polytechnic Institute in the country and the uppermost chair of learning in the South county of Bangladesh. The Polytechnic has crisscrossed 48 years of its substance inaugural its door for the students with a earnest potential to spread superiority of Practical education and exploration on 1962 years. Positioned at...

Khulna Polytechnic Institute

Khulna Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Khulna Polytechnic Institute Khulna Polytechnic Institute, shortened as KPI, is one of the greatest prestigious institutions for mid-level educations in the south of the state in Bangladesh. About 3800 students are following Diploma studies in engineering in this organization. At current, KPI has 8 teaching sections. Every year the consumption of Diploma students is about 700. A total of approximately...

Naogaon Polytechnic Institute

Naogaon Polytechnic Institute About Us: In Bangladesh, Naogaon polytechnic is one of the greatest educational organizations in the arena of technology. We attend science and technology grounded education and exercise to make the populace as a creative manpower. Naogaon polytechnic institute was recognized in year of 2000 years. It twitches its academic doings from 2004 years. Already two more consignments have accomplished their diploma engineering...

Narsingdi Polytechnic Institute

Narsingdi Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Narsingdi Polytechnic Institute (NPI) recognized as a nonresidential public polytechnic institute in 2006 years among the 18 newfangled polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh(BD). The four autonomous departments such as Computer Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department, Food Engineering Department and Refrigeration & Air Conditioning technologies Engineering Department with extra than...

Chandpur Polytechnic Institute

Chandpur Polytechnic Institute About Us: College history Welcome to Chandpur Polytechnic Institute (CPI) is a government institute amongst 49 polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh. Chandpur Polytechni Started its mission to mature quality human incomes in the arena of technical education from 2005 years. From the establishment the institute has four departments. Every of the Department has separate lab as well as workshop with...

Comilla Polytechnic Institute

Comilla Polytechnic Institute  Welcome to COMILLA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE About Us by Comilla Polytechnic Institute (CPI): Comilla Polytechnic Institute is a largest and presumed Government polytechnic institute in Kotbari, Comilla, BD which was recognized in 1962 year. This polytechnic has measured by the Management of Bangladesh and under the Bangladesh Technical Education Board Instruction Category in BD. Comilla Polytechnic...

Jessore Polytechnic Institute

Jessore Polytechnic Institute Welcome to the Jessore Polytechnic Institute (JPI )in Bangladesh. In southwest Bangladesh, Jessore Polytechnic Institute (Jpi), condensed as JPI is one of the oldest important Polytechnic institutes in the area of mid-level engineering and technology with additional than 45 years of nationwide reputation. JPI conceits itself not since of its age but for the penetration of its connection in engineering and...

Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute

Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute (TPI). Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute's Website in Bangladesh (BD). Thakurgaon Polytechnic Institute is one of the latest Institutes in Bangladesh. It's the chief and solitary Polytechnic Institute in Thakurgaon District. It’s situated in the most suitable residence of Thakurgaon District Civic. It's below Govindo Nogor Mousa. It's positioned beside the Thakurgaon-Pirgonj...

Feni Polytechnic Institute

Feni Polytechnic Institute Welcome ! To Feni Polytechnic Institute. About Us Feni Polytechnic Institute (FPI): In 29th February 1964, Feni Polytechnic ongoing its journey as Feni Technical with Civil Department and Mechanical Engineering sections in a 15.97 Acre campus nearby old Dhaka-Chittagong Highway road in Bangladesh, just 500 meters east to Feni Sadder Hospital. In 1972 with the totaling of Power department, the institution...

Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute

Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute Welcome To Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute in Dhaka,Bangladesh. Mymensingh Polytechnic Institute is unique of the oldest and very well-known Polytechnic Institute in Bangladesh. It was recognized in 1963 with individual 180 students in the first year classes of Diploma-In-Engineering in four Departments with the growing stresses of mid-level technical manpower home and overseas. The Institute is now successively with...

Kushtia Polytechnic Institute

Kushtia Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Kushtia Polytechnic Institute in Kushtia, Bangladesh.  Kushtia Polytechnic Institute is a famous Polytechnic Institute in Bangladesh. It was reputable in 1964. 4 years Diploma in Engineering Progressions is running here below Bangladesh Technical education Board Diploma Engineering Education in Bangladesh (BD Education). There are six technologies specifically Civil Department, Power...

Tangail Polytechnic Institute

Tangail Polytechnic Institute About Us: Welcome to Tangail polytechnic institute is unique of the best polytechnic in Bangladesh. it was recognized in 1991 with only 40 students in the 1st year courses of diploma -in- engineering in Electrical technology with increasing demands of mid-level technical manpower home and away the institute has since importantly expanded . The institute now suggestions courses in five technologies in Diploma...

Pabna Polytechnic Institute

Pabna Polytechnic Institute Welcome to pabna Polytechnic Institute in Rajshahi,Bangladesh. Pabna Polytechnic Institute is a historic polytechnic institute which has a extended past. This institute is playing a energetic role in tech education subdivision of Bangladesh which turns under Bangladesh Technical Education Board in Diploma Engineering. Its history instigates in 1924 when the Landowner of Trash Mr. Shri Banomali Roy originated...

Sirajgonj Polytechnic Institute

Sirajgonj Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Sirajgonj polytechnic institute in Rajshahi, Bangladesh Sirajgonj polytechnic institute is one of the modern Polytechnic Institute in Bangladesh. Its substance stone was recognized in 2000 by Mohammad Nasim from Bangladesh(SPI) ,M P and Honorable  Minister Ministry of Home, Mailing and Telecommunication and Public mechanism affairs. It happening class in 2004 through only 40 students...

Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute

Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Rajshahi polytechnic institute in Bangladesh. Rajshahi the silk city and the sanctified land of saint Shah Makhdum (R), in one of the eldest city of Bangladesh, are familiar by the designation of Education City in rajshahi engineering college. Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute is one of the prominent members of this Education City from Diploma Engineering. It was recognized in 1962 with a insufficient numbers...