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Patuakhali Polytechnic Institute

Patuakhali Polytechnic Institute History: Welcome to Patuakhali Polytechnic Institute (PPI) establish in the southern division of Bangladesh. It recognized in 1989 but the academic behavior happening in 1993. At the start there were only two technologies - Electrical Technology & Civil Technology. following few years, Electronics technology start organization under TVET mission and at last Computer & RAC technologies added below...

Kurigram Polytechnic Institute

Kurigram Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Kurigram polytechnic institute (KPI) is forbidden by the Directorate of Technical Education which was recognized on 1960 and Bangladesh technological Education Board which was recognized 1967, mostly proscribed by the Ministry of teaching, Government of the popular Republic of Bangladesh. In Kurigram Polytechnic Institute (KPI), Diploma in engineering course are organism offered in diverse technologies....

Sylhet Polytechnic Institute

Sylhet Polytechnic Institute Welcome to Sylhet Polytechnic Institute (SPI) in Bangladesh. A extremely minimum percent of the nation are strictly educated. Mostly several Engineering Universities. Polytechnic and monotechnic institute are tiresome their height best to increase these percentage up to the normal. Government is extremely much involved about Technical Education and expend more for transformation and development for excellence...