
International Medical College & Hospital by Bangladesh All College News

International Medical College & Hospital by Bangladesh All College News

About International Medical College-IMC:

International Medical College was recognized in the year 2000 after completing all practical formalities and after procurement permission from the Ministry of Health and Family Wellbeing. International Medical College happening with 20 students in the educational session 1999-2000. Since then the number of students increasingly increased every year.
The International Medical College & Hospital Campus is located at the outskirts of the saleable township of Tongi and is about 22 km gone from the city canter of Dhaka. The major bus stands/terminals, railway position and Shahjalal International Airport are within maximum aloofness of 30 minutes.

The Campus-IMC:
The campus stands in a private environment amidst green vegetation, spaced villages and great water bodies. One takes a walk everywhere the campus to take fresh breath while relishing the panorama and beautiful that the site offers. Everything combines and touches here to make it a faultless place for learning.
The present campus of the College has an extent of about 9 estates of land. The college and all preclinical and para-clinical subdivisions are located in the academic building. The Classrooms, Division hall, Laboratories, Museum, Library and other services are well and suitably arranged in various floors of the Theoretical Building.
International Medical College Hospital is the hypothetical hospital of the College. It is a 600 bedded multidisciplinary Hospital Multifaceted which is located in the closeness to the College building.
IMC always gives favorite to students’ affairs on importance basis. Since we believe that a serene, soothing lodging is an unavoidable necessity especially for medical students, we have agreed well-furnished accommodations for male and female students in two discrete hostels. Three storied Boys' Hostel is located on the set of the lake inside the campus. The newly constructed three-storied Girls' Hostel is situated besides College building. Three are discrete blocks for overseas male and female students. Both the hostels are sufficiently furnished with articles needed for everyday breathing and entertainment. Well trained cooks for both local and external students are provided by the College for both the hostels.
Transport Facilities-IMC:
Students not exist in in the hotels are delivered with pick up and globule off from certain points in the city. A special conveyance capability is providing double a month to the students living in the hostels to go to the city for spending or other related actions.
Beautification of the Campus-IMC:
The sprawling College campus is positioned at a place having scenic beauty. Recently a lake has been quarried within the campus which has added superior beauty to the picturesque view of the campus. Further prettification of the campus is going on and a massive land-scraping program has been started by following the architectural design organized by renowned architects of the country.
Extra-Curricular Activities-IMC:
College regularly positions sports, cultural functions, yearly picnic and other entertaining events for the students. Debating competitions also are held occasionally.
Academic Faculty of the college contains of about 104 members including of a distinguished academicians with established teaching and research excellence. Each department and punishment is headed by a professor/associate instructor who leads his team to conduct the courses and make the students to become future doctors.
    To produce young bouncing community oriented five star medical alumnae.
    To stimulate students to a unworldly developing of the opportunities anticipated of them by the society.
   To turn IMC into a place for medical investigation and adequately train the students so that they discovery it easy to get jobs both home and abroad.
Course and Curriculum-IMC:
Course accessible (MBBS) is of 5-years duration. The curriculum accepted by the University of Dhaka and BMDC is severely followed in the college.

Teaching Aids-IMC:
Upstairs projector, Multimedia projector and other filmed equipment’s, VCR, VCD are used to make adjustment easy. Seminars and conferences are organized on regular basis to safeguard the acquaintances of students with the latest expansion in medical science. A student can get access to evidence highway through the internet amenities of the college. The departments lengthily utilize the facilities for making instruction more valuable and effective. The teachers make knowledge easy for the students with the help of audio-visual tackle and hypermedia setup.
English Language Courses-IMC:
A special English language sequence will have to be started by all the students who are acknowledged into the college. This course will be directed by the faculty members from Kean University, New Jersy, USA who are particular in instruction English for Health Specialists. The payment for this progression is included in the admission dues & other charges.

Academic activities-IMC:
International Medical College now in its 14th year continues to pursue brilliance by implementing BM&DC accepted new MBBS curricula exploiting effective instructional methods and media, providing motivational environment, unceasingly monitoring and rigorously assessing all teaching-learning activities. To keep students well-informed with update knowledge there is preparation of seminars/workshops on different Medical subjects from time to time.
We arrange arena visit for students in different institutes of community health importance to acquire practical information about health problems. Inhabited Field Site Trainings (RFST) are also encompassed in the programmer. Students of 3rd and 4th years are directed to Dhaka Medical College for 10 successive days for autopsy training.
Students of first batch (IMC-1) happening their clinical course and exercise at IMCH from the year 2002 and all the subsequent batches are completing their 40 weeks of ward responsibilities 16 weeks in Medicine, 16 weeks in Overall Hospital and 4 weeks each in Pediatrics and Orthopedics as per BMDC instructions.
Students are positioned in ward duties as per roaster recommended in the BM&DC Curriculum. More than 500 patients are attendance outpatient department (OPD) daily on imbursement of nominal amount and on weekly free conduct days the figured registered are more than 650, beside patients with diabetes, endocrine disorders and other rear diseases.
Outpatient facilities are in-built with the in-persistent facilities of other divisions like medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, physiotherapy and dentistry, The in-patient subdivisions have a total of 500 beds of which about 20 number is flexible  are allowed.

Library is located in the College Construction and has a collection of adequate number of text and orientation books, monographs and journals in numerous subjects. It provides update material to students and teachers. It has user-friendly open pile easy access system. The Library has an interpretation room, which can house about 60 students. There is a distinct reading room for teacher’s end-to-end to the library.
Library leftovers open from 8 am to 9 pm. The librarian is well-practiced with Master’s degree in library science who is abetted by assistant librarians. We are in the procedure of developing a modern library with satisfactory computers for teachers and students. There is admission to WIFI Internet.
Internship Training-IMC:
The students positively passing final MBBS examination will have to experience one year log-book based rotatory residency training. Within this 1 year, 11 months and 15 days exercise will be at International Medical College Hospital and 15 days at Upazilla Health Multifaceted. During internship training existence allowances are assumed to the interns.
Mission and Vision-IMC:
The vision of the International Medical College is to develop a leading healthcare association and to position itself as a center of brilliance in medical education and research. It aims at appealing brilliant students, teachers and investigators from all over the world.
International medical College and Nursing Unit is recognized to produce highly capable Doctors, nurses, other paramedic and technical specialists to provide client centered facilities and conduct valuable research  so that individual can accomplish their intellectual, professional and personal abilities. As a service society, International Medical College activities to bring changes in health subdivision through quality service and through elevation of technical behavior of the distressed societies. The company is looking for concentration in selected disciplines and also to go for appropriate diversification within the possibility of the company’s Memorandum and Trainings of Association.

Contact US-IMC:

International Medical College & Hospital-IMCH
Gushulia Saties,Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh-IMC
Phone-Number IMC: 88 02 9814713-4
E-mail Numbers IMC:
Website URL IMCH:

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